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Create a Table of Contents with a Navigation Document

A working table of contents allows readers to go directly to chapters or sections by clicking links in the table of contents (TOC). This feature is so important to Kindle customers that Amazon requires all Kindle eBooks with chapters or sections to have a working TOC.

Want a tool to help you create a working TOC quickly and easily? Check out Kindle Create.

Prefer to create a TOC yourself? You can create two types of TOC for a Kindle eBook: a Logical TOC and an HTML TOC.

TOC Type Required? Where Found Why it Matters
Logical TOC Required for all Kindle books by Amazon Accessible from the Kindle Go To menu Lets the reader easily find parts, sections, and chapters of your book from the Kindle Go To menu

Lets the reader see how far along they are in the book
HTML TOC Strongly Recommended by Amazon Appears as a page in the beginning of the book Users expect to see an HTML TOC at the beginning of a book

Some older devices don’t support a logical TOC, so an HTML TOC lets readers on all devices find parts of your book easily

1. Build a Logical TOC using a navigation document

2. Use your TOC as an HTML TOC (recommended)

3. Finish your TOC

4. Quality check

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