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Primary Audience and Reading Age

The Primary Audience field is where you specify your intended audience. There are two fields to complete:

Sexually Explicit Images or Title You must select Yes or No to this question in order to proceed with title setup and select categories. Review our Metadata Guidelines to learn more.

Reading Age Setting the reading age will indicate to customers your intended audience on your detail page. While the field is optional, if you don’t include an appropriate reading age, for example for your Children’s or Teen & Young Adult books, it may not be eligible for your selected Children’s or Teen & Young Adult categories and it will not appear in age-specific search results in the Amazon Store.

Reading age appears on your book’s Amazon detail page below the description. If you select a reading age of 3-5 years, it appears as “Reading age: 3-5 years, from publishers”. Please note: the reading age on your Amazon detail page may differ from your original age selection. When customers review your book, they can provide feedback on reading age and difficulty. Amazon research shows that customers are more likely to trust reading ages recommended by other customers, so Amazon updates the reading age on your book’s detail page based on reviews. For example, your book may show “Reading age: 3-5 years, from customers”. This feature improves the customer experience and ensures your book appears for appropriate ages. If your book has a customer recommended reading age on Amazon, you will not be able to update it through KDP.

To ensure your Children’s or Teen & Young Adult books appear in search results, enter a minimum and maximum reading age based on the age bands below.

Age / Book type

Suitable books (examples)

Age 0-2

Simple picture books with few or no words

Age 3-5

Picture books

Age 6-8

Early-level readers, first chapter books

Age 9-12

Middle-grade chapter books

Age 13-17

Teen and young adult chapter books

To update the reading age:
  1. Go to your KDP Bookshelf.
  2. Find the Kindle eBook you’d like to update.
  3. Click the ellipsis button (“…”) and select Edit Details.
  4. Scroll to the Primary Audience section and select the appropriate age range from the drop-down menus.
  5. Click Save and Continue until you reach the Pricing page.
  6. At the bottom of the Pricing page, click Publish.

Updates may take up to 48 hours to reflect on Amazon.

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