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KDP Bookshelf

Your Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Bookshelf is the hub of your KDP account. You can navigate your account, view and archive your existing titles, and create a new book or series. From your KDP Bookshelf, you can update existing book details like the description, cover image, and list price. If you would like to remove a previously published title from Amazon, you can unpublish it from your Bookshelf. If your book was never published, you will have the option to delete it.


Bookshelf view options

Your KDP Bookshelf includes four different views of your titles:

  • Your titles is your default view and does not include archived titles.
  • Series titles only shows titles you included in a series, and does not include archived titles.
  • Archived titles shows titles you archived.
  • All titles shows all of your titles.
To change your Bookshelf view, click the View drop-down menu to the left of the search bar. Note: if you get no search results for your book, you may need to change your Bookshelf view to All titles to display your archived and unarchived books.

View title details

Use your KDP Bookshelf to check your book’s status and view the following details:

Archive your titles

A way to organize your Bookshelf is to archive titles. The archive feature allows you to hide titles from your default Bookshelf view without changing its status or availability on Amazon.

To archive a title:

  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Next to the book you want to archive, click the ellipsis button (“…”).
  3. Choose Archive title from the menu.
  4. Click Archive to confirm.

To unarchive and return titles to your default Bookshelf view:

  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Click the View drop-down menu to the left of the search bar.
  3. Choose Archived titles.
  4. Next to the book you want to unarchive, click the ellipsis button (“…”).
  5. Click Unarchive title from the menu.

For linked titles, you will only need to select Archive title for one format to archive all linked title formats. If you only want to archive one format, you can unlink the title formats. Learn more about linking formats.

More helpful resources

For more specific information on creating a series, creating a new book, and knowing your book’s status, check out the links below:


Create, publish, and update Amazon series detail pages automatically through KDP. Learn more


KDP’s book setup makes it easy for you to upload, enter, and modify your book before publishing. Learn more


From the KDP Bookshelf, you can view the status of your book in the publishing cycle.
Learn more

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