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Price Your Book

After you enter your book details and upload your manuscript and cover, you'll set your list price. You can choose your list price at your discretion, but it must be within KDP’s range of minimum and maximum list prices.


Choose a royalty plan:
We offer two royalty plans for eBooks:
  • 35% royalty
  • 70% royalty*
To see the minimum and maximum list price for each royalty plan, check our list price requirements.

*Sales to customers outside of the 70% eligible territories will receive 35% of the list price. Learn more about eBook royalty options.

Note: If you indicated in the "Publishing Rights" step that your book is a public domain work, it's ineligible for the 70% royalty option.

Set list prices
We offer two options for setting your eBook’s list price:

Option 1 Option 2
Based on primary marketplace:

Choose your primary marketplace and set your list price in the currency of that marketplace. For the other marketplaces, we'll convert the price to our available currencies.

Note: eBooks with prices that match in one marketplace may not always match in other marketplaces. This is due to variations in taxes, delivery costs, and other operating costs.
Enter the list price for each marketplace:

Enter a specific amount by marketplace and available currency. The price you enter must meet our requirements, which depend on marketplace, royalty option, and file size. In certain marketplaces, the list price displayed to the customer will include local Value Added Tax (VAT). 

Note: If you manually set your list prices in your non-primary marketplaces, changing your primary marketplace list price will not update the list prices you manually set in non-primary marketplaces. Use the Printing Cost & Royalty Calculator to see your minimum list price in all currencies.

Learn more about Digital Book Pricing.

Note: You can't set your book's list price as free.

Delivery cost may apply depending on the royalty option that you choose for your book. Check out our Help page on Digital Book Pricing for more information.

Paperback and Hardcover

Set list prices
You have two options for setting your list price:

Option 1 Option 2
Based on primary marketplace:

Choose your primary marketplace and set your list price in the currency of that marketplace. For the other marketplaces, we'll convert the price to our available currencies.

When you enter a list price, you will be able to see your estimated royalty for each marketplace.

Note: Books with prices that match in one marketplace may not always match in other marketplaces. This is due to variations in taxes, delivery costs, and other operating costs.
Enter the list price for each marketplace:

Enter a specific amount by marketplace and currency. You can set list prices by marketplace as long as they're higher than the minimum list price and lower than the maximum list price.

Note: If you manually set your list prices in your non-primary marketplaces, changing your primary marketplace list price will not update the list prices you manually set in non-primary marketplaces. Use the Printing Cost & Royalty Calculator to see your minimum list price in all currencies.

Learn more about minimum and maximum list prices for paperback and hardcover.
  • In Europe, VAT will be charged for books sold on Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.es, Amazon.fr, Amazon.it, Amazon.nl, Amazon.pl, and Amazon.se. The VAT rate applied depends on the customer's country of residence. If VAT applies, Amazon will automatically add the applicable VAT rate to your selected list price, and will then display the retail price (including VAT) on your book's detail page.
  • In Australia, the applicable GST applies to books sold on Amazon.com.au.
  • In Japan, the applicable consumption tax applies to books sold on Amazon.co.jp.
  • The price displayed on the detail page may be different than the list price you set in your KDP account. You will still be paid royalties based on the list price you set.

How to update your book’s price

To submit your book for publication, click the Publish Your Kindle eBook button at the bottom of the page. To change your list price:

  1. Go to your KDP Bookshelf.
  2. Click the ellipsis button ("") under the KINDLE EBOOK ACTIONS menu next to the book you want to update.
  3. Choose Edit eBook Pricing.
  4. In the "Royalty and Pricing" section, make the changes.
  5. Click the Publish Your Kindle eBook button at the bottom of the page.

See details on timelines for new publications and updates to published books.

Paperback and hardcover:
To submit your book for publication, click the Publish Your Paperback Book or Publish Your Hardcover Book button at the bottom of the page. To change your list price:

  1. Go to your KDP Bookshelf.
  2. Click the ellipsis button ("") under the PAPERBACK ACTIONS or HARDCOVER ACTIONS menu next to the book you want to update.
  3. Choose Edit rights & pricing. For published books, choose Edit print book pricing.
  4. In the "Pricing & Royalty" section, make the changes.
  5. Click the Publish Your Paperback Book or Publish Your Hardcover Book button at the bottom of the page.

See details on timelines for new publications and updates to published books.

Note: If you only update your list price and publish, your book's content won't go into review. Learn more about your book status.

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