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Authors & Contributors

Your book should have at least one author or primary contributor. In addition to listing the author, you can list contributors. Contributors are people involved in creating your book, such as editors, illustrators, or anyone else you want to give credit to.

When entering the author name, be mindful of spelling and accuracy as this field cannot be changed once your book is published. This applies to paperbacks, hardcover, and eBooks. Author name is one of the most common ways customers will search for your books, so it’s important to ensure it's consistent with other books associated with the author. Additionally, several Amazon features (e.g., Author Pages, Series Pages, format linking) rely on a consistent author name. If the primary contributor's name is similar to a popular author's name, consider using a pen name, middle name, or adding an initial.

Note: Anything entered into the author field that is not part of your author name may be rejected. This includes, but isn’t limited to, extra punctuation, HTML tags, and special characters. However, you can use a pen name as long as it is appropriate and stays consistent throughout all of your work.

Paperback, Hardcover and eBook Differences

The paperback or hardcover book setup allows you to enter a middle name/initial, prefix, and/or suffix to your author name. The eBook setup does not.

To add this information to your eBook include:
  • The middle name/initial right after the first name
  • The prefix before the author's first name
  • The suffix right after the author's last name
Again, it’s important to remain consistent with the author's name across all books that you publish.

Can I use pen names to publish my book?

You can use a pen name or pseudonym to publish your titles. After you publish, we may ask for a copy of the rights to your book.

When using a pen name your real name stays anonymous and is not published anywhere on our website. If you use a pen name, make sure to enter your real name under your KDP account information so we can issue your payments and tax forms correctly.

Can my book have multiple authors?

If you have more than one author, you can list them in the Contributors section. Just select “Author” from the dropdown of contributor type options. The name listed in the Author section will be the first to show on the detail page. After that, the order of contributors will be listed as they are on your book setup page.

For eBooks, you’re able to include 10 contributors when setting up your title, but you can contact us to add more contributors. Mobile devices will only show 5 contributors for eBooks

For paperbacks, you are able to include up to 10 contributors, we are unable to include additional contributors. Mobile devices will only show 3 contributors for paperbacks.

What are Author Pages?

An Author page allows you have all of your work on one page and gives you the opportunity to introduce yourself to your readers. It helps them get to know you and makes it easy for them to find all of your books in a single place. An Author Page does not come standard with use of KDP and you will need to register for an Author Central account to have one.

Check out these examples of Author Pages: William Shakespeare, Delia Smith, Stephenie Meyer. Now view a page for one of their books. See how you can enrich your detail page by adding a biography and editorial reviews through your Author Page? On the Author Page, we display essential information like bibliographies, biographies, and author profile photos. Your book needs to be published before you can create your Author Page, but you can begin preparing for this now.

To learn more about how to create an author page, visit our Author Central page.

Can I update my book’s author or contributor’s field?

Once your book is published, you won’t be able to change your book’s primary author field. You can create a new edition with the updated author name. Check out our help page to learn more about new editions.

You are able to update your book’s contributors after publishing. Learn how to update your book’s contributors.

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