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Read Sample (Look Inside the Book)
Read Sample (Look Inside the Book)
The Read sample feature allows readers to search through and preview samples of your books. When you publish a book, it’s automatically enabled.
You can find the “Read sample” button below the cover image on your book’s detail page. Note that in mobile devices the feature is only available for eBooks, and it will show the “Look Inside the Book” sticker instead. This feature is not available in mobile devices for print books.
Timelines and amount vary by type of book:

How Read Sample works
Once you publish your book, it takes a few days for the feature to display on Amazon. If you make updates to your book, it also takes a few days for the updates to appear in the sample.Timelines and amount vary by type of book:
- Paperback and hardcover: 9 -10 business days
- eBook: 7-8 business days from the release date
Amount Shown
The table below highlights what percentage of the book is shown as a reading sample on Amazon. These defaults can be adjusted to hide spoilers or can be removed altogether.
Note: If you unpublish and republish your book, the amount shown resets to the default percentages.
Reading sample limitations
- Books without an ISBN, such as low-content books, will not display the feature.
- Print replica books and these file formats will not display a reading sample: TPZ, MOP, REF MAG
- It isn’t possible to hide specific pages or chapters that appear in the sample.
- The Read sample feature can’t be adjusted for books in landscape or right-to-left orientation books.
Benefits of Read Sample
The feature helps sell more of your books in three primary ways:- Point-of-Sale Sampling
- Customers can check printed and Kindle versions
- Preview random pages and search for specific references or characters
- View books on similar topics
- 1-Click Purchasing
- An Add to Cart or Buy with 1-Click button can be found throughout the customer's previewing experience, eliminating the need to return to the book detail page
- Improved Search Results
- When customers search for books on, we use the actual words that match inside the book to return the best possible selection of books.
Where is the Read Sample available
Samples are available for KDP titles on:-