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Set the reading order for your series

When you create a series, you'll decide how you want the titles to display on your series page. Your series can be ordered or unordered.

To determine what type of series to create, check this chart:

Book CharacteristicsCreate a seriesOrderedUnordered
One storyline throughout multiple books, should be read in order. For example, Harry PotterYesYesNo
Books with the same characteristics, but don't need to be read in order. For example, Sherlock Holmes(Fiction/Non-fiction)YesNoYes
Books written by the same author, but are unrelatedNoNoNo

Edit book order

You can edit the book order of main content in your series. We'll display related content on your series page in the order it was added to the series.

To edit the display order of main books:
  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Find a book in the series.
  3. Click Manage Series.
  4. Click Edit book order. This displays edit buttons next to the series titles.
  5. Click Edit and change the number to update the order in which you want the books to appear on the series page.
  6. Click Update.
  7. Click Save and publish order to update the book order on your Amazon series page.

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