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Release Date Options

You can choose from different release date options to publish your book: release now, schedule a release (print books only) and pre-order (eBooks only).


See below how release now works.


How schedule a release works. Eligibility, requirements, and how to set it up. Learn more.

PRE-ORDER (eBook only)

How pre-orders work. Eligibility, requirements, and how to set it up. Learn more.

Main differences between release date options

Release Now Schedule a Release Pre-order
How it works? You'll be able to release your book now, and it will be available for purchase immediately after our review is complete. Learn more about our publishing timelines. You'll be able to choose a release date and your book will be available for customers to purchase on the selected date. The Amazon detail page will not be available until the book release date.

You can schedule a release up to 5 to 90 days in advance.
You'll be able to choose a release date for your book, an Amazon detail page will be available immediately after our review is complete, and customers will be able to start pre-ordering your book.

You can create a pre-order up to one year in advance.
Supported formats eBooks and print books Print books eBooks
  • Your book must meet our content guidelines.
  • Your book must meet our content guidelines.
  • Your book must be a new publication.
  • Low-content books and public domain books aren't eligible.
  • eBooks aren't supported.
  • Your book must meet our content guidelines.
  • Your book must be a new publication.
  • Print books aren't supported.
Deadlines There are no deadlines to submit your book manuscript or make changes to it. You will not be able to update your manuscript file or book details, change a scheduled release, or order author copies beginning five days before the release date.

After you schedule your book's release, you'll see a timer on top of your book's setup pages that keeps track of your deadline.
You will not be able to update your manuscript file or book details beginning 72 hours before the release date.

After you set up a pre-order, you'll see a timer on top of your book's setup pages that keeps track of your deadline.
Penalties There are no penalties. There are no penalties. If you don't upload your manuscript file on time, your pre-order will be canceled and you won't be able to set up a pre-order for any book for one year. The same applies if you cancel the release of your pre-order book, or if you delay your pre-order more than one time.

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