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You can now create case laminate hardcover books along with paperbacks and eBooks. Explore the resources below to learn more and set up your hardcover book.


Case laminate hardcover

Hardcover books are printed as case laminate. This means your hardcover book will not have a dust jacket and the art is printed directly on the cover.

Differences between paperback and hardcover

Just as you did for paperbacks, you'll create covers, format interior files, choose print and distribution options, order proof and author copies, and advertise your books. If you have an existing paperback, you'll need a unique ISBN to create a hardcover edition of your book. There are minor differences between the two formats, which we've included in the below table.

Print options Hardcover books have the same print options as paperbacks, with a few exceptions:
  • There are five available trim sizes
  • The minimum and maximum page count is 75 - 550 pages
Learn more about print options.
Supported languages Hardcover right-to-left publishing for Hebrew and Yiddish isn't currently available. Learn more about supported languages.
Manuscript formatting There are different trim size and page count requirements for paperback and hardcover books. If your manuscript fits both requirements, you can upload an interior file with the same measurements for both books. If your ISBN is included in the interior file, you'll need to update the ISBN included in the file to match what you provided in your hardcover book details.

Learn more about the hardcover submission overview.
Cover formatting You'll use different cover requirements and measurements to format a hardcover cover file than you did to format a paperback cover file.
Learn how to format a hardcover cover file or use one of our tools: Learn more about hardcover cover formatting .
Distribution You can publish your hardcover book in these marketplaces:

  • Amazon.com
  • Amazon.co.uk
  • Amazon.de, .es, .fr, .it
Amazon.ca and Amazon.com.au aren’t listed as primary marketplaces. To make your hardcover book available in those marketplaces, you'll need to make it available on Amazon.com.

Hardcover isn’t available for Amazon.co.jp, or Expanded Distribution.
Printing costs How we calculate printing cost for hardcover and paperback books is the same, but the fixed cost is different.

Here's the printing cost formula:
Fixed cost + (page count * per page cost) = printing cost

We offer a fixed 60% royalty rate on hardcovers sold on Amazon marketplaces where we support hardcover distribution. We offer the same royalty rate for paperbacks. When someone buys your hardcover book through Amazon and a new copy is manufactured to fulfill that order, you'll receive a royalty. To see the impact to your royalties, check our hardcover royalty calculator.

For more information, visit Hardcover Royalty.
Reporting To see your hardcover sales:
  1. Sign in to your KDP Account.
  2. Click Reports.
  3. From your Sales Dashboard, go to All Formats.
  4. Filter by Hardcover.
Learn more about hardcover sales reporting.

Frequently asked questions

1. How do I publish a hardcover book?

To publish a hardcover book:
  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. In the "Create a New Title" section, click + Hardcover.
  3. Enter your information for each section:
    • Hardcover details. Enter your title, description, keywords, categories, etc.
    • Hardcover content. Choose print options, upload your manuscript and cover files, preview your book, and order a proof.
    • Hardcover rights and pricing. Choose the territories where you hold distribution rights and set your list price.
  4. After entering your information, click Publish Your Hardcover Book.

2. Can I turn an existing paperback or eBook into a hardcover book?

To publish a hardcover book:
  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Click + Create.
  3. Click Create hardcover.
  4. Review and update your information for each section:
    Hardcover details. We'll update your hardcover details with the details you provided when you set up your existing format. You can still edit these details.
    Hardcover content. You'll need to choose a new KDP ISBN or enter your own new ISBN for the hardcover edition of your book. You'll need to upload a new manuscript and cover file that meets our specifications.
    Hardcover pricing. You can set separate prices and distribution options for each supported marketplace for your hardcover book.
  5. After entering your information, click Publish Your Hardcover Book.

After you publish your title, we'll review the hardcover edition of your book to make sure it meets our content and quality guidelines. Learn more about the hardcover submission process.

3. Can I order author copies?

We offer retail, proof, and author copies of hardcover books.

4. How do I format my hardcover cover file?

We recommend using our cover calculator and template generator, to download a custom template based on your book’s specifications. For more information on hardcover cover formatting, visit Create a Hardcover Cover.

5. Are you planning to release additional hardcover formats?

We offer case laminate hardcover. Dust jackets, cloth bound, and other hardcover formats aren't available.

6. Can I advertise my hardcover books?

Yes. You can create ads for KDP hardcover titles that are available on Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.es, Amazon.fr, Amazon.com.au, or Amazon.it. Learn more about advertising and eligibility requirements.

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