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Contact UsA+ Content Examples
When you create A+ Content, you can choose between 17 modules to design your detail page layout. You can use up to five modules per detail page layout.
Additional information:
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Note: these are not examples that use the generative artificial intelligence (AI) feature (U.S. and English only).
Author detail page examples
Here are examples of how other KDP authors have designed A+ Content using different modules. When you add A+ Content to your detail page, it's located under the From the Publisher section. While the exact location varies, most readers will need to scroll to view the content.- Sample from Second Chance Magic: Order of Magic by Michelle M. Pillow
- Modules used: Standard Image & Light Text Overlay and Standard Single Image & Sidebar
- Sample from Awaken Online: Inferno (Tarot Book Three) by Travis Bagwell
- Module used: Standard Image Header With Text
- Sample from On the Way to You by Kandi Steiner
- Modules used: Standard Image & Dark Text Overlay
Module layout examples
We created some examples of how you can use different modules depending on your book's content and marketing strategy. Use these ideas to get started or explore other modules to determine the best layout to promote your book.Series
If your book is part of a series, use A+ content to show all the books in your series. Include details that would help readers make buying decisions for the different books in the series.Comparison Chart Module

- You can add up to five ASINs for comparison.
- You can add multiple comparison charts to one detail page.
- If your book is Live, you can save the cover image from your detail page to upload it into the A+ Content module.
- The smallest image size accepted is 150 x 300 px.
- Save images as JPG or PNG at the highest resolution.
- The maximum image file size is 3 MB.
Standard Technical Specifications Module

- The table header should set the context for the list.
- You can add up to 16 rows to the table.
- Use this module to include a list of books and a short description, quote, or other information that's not on your series detail page.
Author background
Give readers insight into you as an author with an author picture, short biography, or Q&A. You can also use the module to provide more context on a character in your book.Standard Single Image & Sidebar Module

- If you have an Author Central profile, you could use your author image from that page and upload it to your author background.
- Save images as JPG or PNG at the highest resolution (300 DPI).
- The maximum image file size is 3 MB.
Standard Single Left Image Module

- Save images as JPG or PNG at the highest resolution (300 DPI).
- 600 x 180 px is the smallest image accepted. To get the highest resolution, consider saving your picture at 600 x 600 px.
- Max image size is 3 MB.
Cover art
Add additional graphics to feature your cover art or set a visual tone for your book's setting, characters, or concept.Standard Image & Text Overlay

- Module works best when it's used as a banner with a background image and a few lines of text.
- Save your background image at a high resolution (300 DPI).
- 970 x 300 px is the smallest image accepted. To get the highest resolution, consider saving your image at 1940 x 600 px.
- Don't add text to your background image. Add text to the overlay box.
- The text overlay box is optional and if you don't add text it won't appear
- The overlay box is 70% opacity, so you can faintly see the background image behind the text.
- You can format your text as bullets, bold, italics, underline, or a numbered list.
Book sample
Give more insight into the plot of your book with rich text and images or a short sample of your book.Standard Three Images and Text Module

- Save images at a high resolution (300 DPI).
- 300x 300 px is the smallest image accepted. To get the highest resolution, consider saving your image at 600 x 600 px.
- Avoid adding text. When text is saved on top of an image, it's difficult for some people to read. When text is necessary, it should be large and stand out from the background colors and imagery.
- The maximum image file size is 3 MB.
Standard Multiple Image Module A

- Save images at a high resolution (300 DPI).
- The maximum image file size is 3 MB.
Standard Product Description Text

- This module doesn't have a header text style. To create a header, differentiate the text by bolding or underlining the first line.
- You can use up to 6,000 characters.
- This module has left-aligned text. Use the Standard Text Module to add centered text.
- To add an image, use the Standard Image Header With Text, Standard Single Left Image, or Standard Single Right Image modules.