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Book Trends Data

Note: Book trends data is an English only feature currently being tested and may not appear for all books or all customers.

Book trends data is displayed in search and on detail pages and represents an aggregate number of customers who engage with a title in any format. The data is updated daily and reflects customers that have engaged with your book in the most recent 30 days. Customers qualify through engaging with a title in any of the following ways:

  • Purchases across all book formats
  • Kindle eBook reading (including Kindle Unlimited)
  • Audible listening

Book trends data is not a sales report - it is meant to give an indication of customer engagement - and the numbers you see in your sales report will not be comparable. There is a minimum level of customer activity required for book trends data to appear for your book. So the number you see may increase, change, or no longer display depending on your book's most recent customer engagement. The criteria for book trends data are the same across all titles. Amazon is continually testing new features for customers and while all books are eligible for this feature, not all customers will see book trends data during the testing period.

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