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Creating eBooks on Mac

Want a formatting tool that turns your completed manuscript into a beautiful Kindle eBook? Try Kindle Create.

File format options on Mac

These file formats can be converted to Kindle by uploading to the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) website:

  • Word (DOC)
  • HTML
  • PDF
  • ePub

Exception: eBooks in these languages can only be uploaded as Word files:

  • Arabic
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Gujarati
  • Hindi
  • Malayalam
  • Marathi
  • Tamil


You can use Microsoft Word or Apple Pages to create a Word (DOC) file for conversion to Kindle. Word files with limited formatting translate well to Kindle. Be sure to use the "Insert" function to insert any images, rather than copying and pasting. You'll also want to create your Table of Contents manually using the Hyperlink and Bookmark functions. Remove hard returns and insert page breaks at the end of chapters for optimal Kindle viewing.

Check out our Simplified Formatting Guide for more information.


For more advanced formatting, convert your Word file to HTML and then upload for conversion. Save your Word file as Web Page (HTM). In Apple Pages, choose "Export" and "Send to iWeb" to convert your file to HTML.

For more information, see our Basic HTML Guidelines.


You can upload a PDF file of your book, but this has a larger margin for error. Graphics formatting, page numbers, and sidebars in PDFs don't always convert well to Kindle. After you upload a PDF, we recommend previewing your book to make sure it looks the way you want it to. If not, consider converting it to a Word (DOC) file.

To create a PDF file from Word or Apple Pages, save as a PDF.

At this time, KDP only supports uploaded PDFs in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, and Basque.


With Apple Pages, you can export files in ePub format. To export your book file as an ePub file, select "Share" on the Apple Pages menu bar, then "Export." Select "ePub" as the desired format.

Create Kindle-ready files on Mac

Instead of uploading an HTML or DOC file to the KDP website for conversion, you can convert your book into Kindle format directly on your Mac. You can either upload this file to your Kindle device or view it in Kindle Previewer to check the quality of your eBook before publishing.

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