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KDP University
KDP University
Writing, publishing, and then marketing your book can be a journey. But we’re in this together, and we’re here to help. KDP University provides you with a collection of pre-recorded webinars, videos, articles, and guides to help you take your best book to market.
Learn how to successfully prepare, publish, and promote your book on KDP. Learn more.Videos
Watch prerecorded videos that talk you through the tough topics: from tax forms and formatting to metadata and marketing and beyond. See all videos.KDP Jumpstart
Follow our simple, end-to-end guide to publishing on Amazon…and learn some insider tips along the way! Start now.User Guides
Use our helpful user guides to navigate the free tools that can turn your completed manuscript into an eye-catching eBook or paperback.KDP Build Your Book (Paperback)
Free step-by-step guides that explain how to format your paperback manuscript and save it as a PDF that's ready to be uploaded to KDP.Kindle Create (Paperback and eBook)
A step-by-step tutorial of our interior formatting program. Transform your Word document into a beautifully designed eBook or paperback with professional chapter titles, fonts, drop caps, and image placement.Cover Creator (Paperback and eBook)
An introduction to the free tool within KDP that helps you design a basic cover, with a variety of layouts, fonts, and imagery.Make more money and reach more readers through Kindle Unlimited. Learn More

Total KDP Select Author Earnings
February 2025
$55.3 Million
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