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Accessibility Guidelines

To ensure your book is accessible to all readers, including those who are blind, have moderate to severe vision impairments, or have reading disabilities such as dyslexia, we recommend the following best practices:

  • Define the primary language of the book and any language changes within the content.
  • Create well-structured content using HTML, EPUB, or DOC(X) formats (Note: DOC(X) is for KDP only):
    • Use hierarchical headings to organize chapters, sections, and subsections.
    • Use ordered and unordered lists to group items and provide structure.
    • Include captions, row headings, and column headings for all tables. Avoid using an image of a table.
  • Ensure all meaningful images have text alternatives or are described by the surrounding text. Set the alt attribute of decorative images to null and avoid using images of text.
  • Add self-describing titles to all links and avoid the use of repetitive links on the same page.
  • Ensure text has sufficient contrast with the background colors (WCAG standards recommends a minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1). Avoid using thin, light-colored fonts.
  • Consider the reading order of content elements in fixed-format books.
  • Use MathML markup to present mathematical content or other equations.

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