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How do I fix ISBN and Imprint errors?

If KDP asks you to fix highlighted errors around your ISBN or imprint, follow the guidance below.

Troubleshooting imprint errors

If you notice an error message stating, “Please fix the highlighted error(s) to continue” without anything being highlighted, it typically means your ISBN or imprint details don’t match the information you used to register it.

To fix it, review your book’s details and make any updates. This can include the ISBN, book title, author name, or imprint name. Ensure the spelling, punctuation, and spacing are exactly alike between KDP and your ISBN provider.

To update your book’s details, due to an error:

  1. Go to your ISBN provider’s website.
  2. Verify the imprint name, title, and author associated with your ISBN.
  3. Go to your Bookshelf.
  4. Click the ellipsis button (“…”) under Paperback Actions or Hardcover Actions next to the book you want to update.
  5. Click Edit Paperback Content or Edit Hardcover Content.
  6. Update your ISBN and imprint name options as needed. To ensure you are providing the most accurate information. It’s recommended you copy the imprint name from the website and paste it into your KDP title setup.
  7. Once updated, try submitting the book on KDP.

KDP errors after updating my ISBN info on Bowker

If you make updates to your ISBN’s information outside of KDP, it can take up to 5 business days for the changes to register on KDP. After this, you should be able to save the information on KDP and move forward with publishing your book.

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