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Buying and Gifting eBooks for Others

Amazon Buying and Gifting is an option to promote your eBooks by buying multiple and single copies to give to a targeted audience. You can run a social media giveaway, gift your books to readers at an event, or send copies to newsletter subscribers.

You can promote your books buying single units to send to specific people or buying multiple copies to offer to a bigger audience. 

  • Buy for Others – eBook gift (single copy): You can gift a single eBook. When you gift an eBook, the recipient receives a redemption code and can choose to accept your eBook gift by redeeming the code. You can also exchange it for a gift card (US only).
  • Buy for Others – Prepaid eBooks (single and multiple copies): You can purchase one or multiple prepaid eBooks as a gift in a single order. We create a set of redemption links (instead of redemption codes), one for each copy of the book. The purchaser can refund any unredeemed copies within 60 days or can re-gifted at any time. Recipients cannot exchange eBooks for gift cards or other products.

Check the characteristics of each type of buying and gifting option:

eBook gift (single copy)Prepaid eBooks (single and multiple copies)
  • Free titles and titles available for pre-order aren't eligible for gifting.

  • Free titles and titles available for pre-order aren't eligible for bulk purchase.

  • Amazon.com

  • Amazon.in

  • Amazon.com
  • Amazon.co.uk
  • Amazon.de
  • Amazon.fr
  • Amazon.it
  • Amazon.es
  • Amazon.com.br
  • Amazon.in

  • US books to US readers
  • IN books to IN readers

  • The buyer and the recipient must live in the same country.
Type of redemption
  • US: Redemption code
  • IN: Redemption links

  • Redemption links

Redemption options US:
  • Redeem code or exchange it for a gift card
  • Gift titles available in Amazon.com
  • Gift recipients have the option to return the gift within seven days of downloading.
  • Redeem link
  • Gift titles available in Amazon.in

  • The purchaser can refund any unredeemed copies within 60 days or can re-gift them at any time.
  • IN only: The purchaser can refund any unredeemed copies within 30 days or can re-gift them at any time.

Royalties US:
  • Royalties will accrue only if the recipient redeems the title.
  • Royalties will accrue after the gift is placed.

Your royalties will be based on the price and royalty option selected at the time the Kindle gift was purchased.

  • Royalties accrue and sales will appear in your reports only after a title is redeemed.
  • Your royalties will be based on the price and royalty option selected at the time the Kindle gift was purchased.

  • Recipients can receive your eBook on any supported Amazon device or with a free Kindle App on iOS or Android.

  • Recipients can receive your eBook on any supported Amazon device or with a free Kindle App on iOS or Android.

Sales Rank and Reviews for Multiple copies on Prepaid eBook

  • Sales Rank: an order of multiple eBooks will be considered when evaluating sales rank. The quantity of copies within that order won't be considered
  • Reviews: recipients of eBook copies from a multi-copy purchase are able to leave non-Amazon Verified Purchase reviews based on existing Community Guidelines.

Get started

To buy eBook gift (single copy) (Amazon.com and Amazon.in only):

Go to Amazon.com or Amazon.in
  1. Go to the eBook's detail page and find Buy for Others.
  2. Choose a quantity of 1.
  3. Enter the recipient's email address and have Amazon send the eBook to your recipient on your behalf.

To buy Prepaid eBooks (single and multiple copies) to send to others (Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.fr, Amazon.it, Amazon.es,Amazon.com.br, Amazon.in):

  1. Go to the eBook's detail page and find Buy for Others.
  2. Choose the quantity. On Amazon.com, choose a quantity greater than 1.
  3. Enter recipient email address(es) to have Amazon send to the recipient(s) on your behalf (optional).
  4. Complete your purchase.

If you didn't send all copies at checkout, you'll get an email with instructions to retrieve redemption links. You can also go to Your Account › Your Orders › Manage eBooks to copy and send redemption links to your recipients.

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