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Contact UsSales and Royalties Report
You can use this report to view orders, sales, and royalties earned during the time period selected on the Sales Dashboard.
To generate and download this report:
There are six tabs available in the Sales and Royalties report. Browse the topics below to learn more about the tabs included in the report, as well as definitions of the terms you'll see.
Note: The KDP Reports Beta is now your main KDP reporting experience. If you haven't used the new reports, we encourage you to try them here:
The old reports will continue to be available for a limited time. We'll notify you before we remove them.
The old reports will continue to be available for a limited time. We'll notify you before we remove them.
Generate and Download Report
To generate and download this report:
- Go to the Reports tab in your KDP account.
- To open the old Sales Dashboard, click Reports(Old) on the left navigation panel.
- At the at the bottom of the old Sales Dashboard page, click Generate Report.
- Once the report has been generated, it will download to your computer for you to view.
There are six tabs available in the Sales and Royalties report. Browse the topics below to learn more about the tabs included in the report, as well as definitions of the terms you'll see.
Combined sales tab
This tab contains detailed information for eBooks, paperback, and hardcover books to help you understand how royalties are calculated based on the Net Units Sold during the selected time period.
eBook royalty tab
This tab contains detailed information for eBooks to help you understand how royalties are calculated for each Transaction Type during the selected time period.
Paperback royalty tab
This tab contains detailed information for paperbacks to help you understand how royalties are calculated based on the Net Units Sold during the selected time period.
Hardcover royalty tab
This tab contains detailed information for hardcover books to help you understand how royalties are calculated based on the Net Units Sold during the selected time period.
Orders tab
This tab summarizes paid and free orders received for your titles during the selected time period. This is the information provided in the Units Ordered graph on your Sales Dashboard.
KENP read tab
This tab summarizes Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) read for your titles during the selected time period. This is the information provided in the KENP Read graph on your Sales Dashboard.
Term definitions
Combined sales, eBook royalty, paperback royalty, and hardcover royalty tabs
Term | Definition |
Royalty Date | Date (in local time zone) on which order payments are processed |
Title | You'll see each title on a separate row |
Author Name | Author name associated with the title |
ASIN/ISBN | ASIN/ISBN for your title |
Marketplace | Amazon marketplace where the sale or royalty was recorded |
Royalty Type | Type of royalty applicable (35% or 70%) |
Transaction Type | Type of transaction recorded for this title (MatchBook [retired program], Kindle Countdown Deal, Standard, Expanded Distribution) |
Units Sold | Daily sales totals by title for marketplace and transaction type |
Units Refunded | Total units refunded for each title on that day |
Net Units Sold | Net Units Sold = Units Sold – Units Refunded. This is the basis of your royalty calculation |
Average List Price without tax | Average list price (without tax / VAT) listed for the title during the specified time period. We calculate the average list price using all (total) orders placed for your book, including refunds |
Orders tab
Term | Definition |
Order date | Date (in local time zone) on which the order was placed |
Title | You'll see each title on a separate row |
Royalty | Date |
Author Name | Author name you entered for the title |
ASIN | ASIN for your title |
Marketplace | Amazon marketplace where the sale or royalty was recorded |
Paid Units | Paid orders received during the specified time period |
Free Units | Free orders received during the specified time period |
KENP read tab
Term | Definition |
Date | Date (in local time zone) on which the order was placed |
Title | You'll see each title on a separate row |
Author Name | Date |
ASIN | Author name you entered for the title |
Marketplace | ASIN for your title |
KENP Read | Amazon marketplace where the sale or royalty was recorded |
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Total KDP Select Author Earnings
January 2025
$58.6 Million
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