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How do I add/change my keywords?

You can increase the visibility of your book(s) in the Kindle Store by adding additional search keywords to your titles. You can update your keywords at the title level in your KDP account, and you may choose up to seven keywords that relate to content of your book. Try to avoid using vague keywords. For example, a book titled "America’s National Parks" may gain visibility with the keywords "Yellowstone" and "Grand Teton," but not "Parks."

To change the keywords for your title:

  1. Sign in to your KDP account at: https://kdp.amazon.com
  2. Go to your Bookshelf and click the ellipsis button ("...") under the Book Actions menu next to the book you want to update.
  3. Select "Edit book details."
  4. Make your updates under the Keywords header.
  5. Go to the bottom of the page and click "Save and Continue."
  6. Click the button to publish your book at the bottom of the Rights & Pricing page.

For information on timelines, including details on new publications and updates to published books, see our Help page.

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