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Contact UsKindle Vella - Content Guidelines
Kindle Vella is a serial reading experience. To protect readers from purchasing Kindle Vella content they have already read in a different format, you cannot:- Publish in Kindle Vella content that is in the public domain or freely available on the web.
- Break down your previously published book or long-form content into Episodes and republish in Kindle Vella, even if that book or long-form content is no longer available or is written in another language. If your Episode or Story is derived from another work you have authored (e.g., it continues the story from a book), you may include up to 5,000 words of content from the other work in the first Episode to bridge the story, provided you control the rights to do so.
If you wish to incorporate your Kindle Vella content into long-form content (e.g., a book) in any language, you may do so providing you follow these requirements:
- In order to publish a completed Kindle Vella story or group of episodes as a book or other long-form format, the last episode must have been available to readers in the Kindle Vella store for at least 30 days.
- A book or other long-form format containing republished Kindle Vella content must contain a minimum of 10 episodes. Individual episodes may not be published as standalone content outside of the Kindle Vella store.
- A Kindle Vella episode may only be republished in one book or other long-form format (i.e., you cannot publish Episode 10 in two different books).
- Your story does not have to be marked as Complete in your Kindle Vella library to publish it in long-form content.
- If you publish all or part of your Kindle Vella Story as a book, you can also enroll your book into Kindle Unlimited, in accordance with the terms and conditions for KDP Select.
- If you publish all or part of your Kindle Vella Story as a book, we suggest you let readers know that the story was previously published in Kindle Vella, in your book’s product description. This will help avoid any misunderstandings or dissatisfaction for readers who may have already used Tokens to read the same story. For example: Previously published as [Story Title] [Episodes 1-10] on Kindle Vella.
- Our Kindle Vella content guidelines include that we don't allow content that is freely available on the web. If you have a story in serial format that is available elsewhere, you can also publish it with Kindle Vella as long as it isn't freely available on the web. Additionally, you can share a sample of your story (up to 5,000 words) or do author interviews to promote your Kindle Vella story.
- You can edit published episodes for corrections and minor changes. However, changes intended to resize stories, such as splitting episodes into smaller pieces, merging episodes and republishing them as a new story or adding / removing large amounts of content from previously published episodes is not allowed. These changes violate our disappointing content policy as they can result in your readers losing content they previously purchased, unlocking new episodes with content they already read, and/or being generally confused about how to continue reading your story.
You can unpublish your content from the Kindle Vella store by contacting us. Since Kindle Vella stories are published and available to readers one episode at a time, we recommend keeping your content available for at least 60 days to provide active readers the chance to finish reading all available episodes of a story they may have started.
After a story is unpublished, we cannot reinstate it for you. However, if you want to republish the same content, you will need to publish the story and each of its episodes with the original episode size and order. Resizing previously published Kindle Vella stories is not allowed as it violates our disappointing content policy.
You can add up to seven tags for each story. All published tags will function as search keywords for your story, but not all published tags will show on your story’s detail page or in the store. We reserve the right to update the Kindle Vella tags feature and our guidelines in order to provide the best customer experience.- Information covered elsewhere in your Story’s metadata (title, contributors, etc.)
- Subjective claims about quality (e.g., "best", “best seller”, “Top Faved”)
- Time-sensitive statements (e.g., "new")
- Information common to most items in the category ("story")
- Spelling errors
- Anything misrepresentative, like the name of an author not associated with your Story
- Amazon program names like "Kindle Vella"
- Language promoting violence or intolerance
- Sexually explicit language
- All eBook keyword guidelines also apply to tags.
Author notes
This is a tool to build engagement on your story, so avoid including any links or prompting readers to leave the reading experience.Episode comments
To ensure a welcoming place for all, we have community guidelines that apply to all areas of community interaction, and by using Kindle Vella you agree to abide by them. Visit the Kindle Vella Community Guidelines.
To provide feedback unrelated to the episode or if you have general feedback about Kindle Vella, use this form.