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Paperback Printing in Australia

Below are answers to frequently asked questions regarding paperback printing in Australia.


  1. Should I adjust my book’s list price for Amazon.com.au?
  2. Can I order copies of my book from Amazon.com.au and ship locally?
  3. How can I calculate my Australia royalties with the new printing cost?
  4. How much are printing costs in Australia and how does this affect my minimum list price?
  5. If I don’t designate a list price for Australia, what will happen?

Should I adjust my book’s list price for Amazon.com.au?

Printing costs are distinct in every marketplace, which may affect your royalties, so you should always review your list price when new marketplaces become available. You can adjust your book’s list price based on how much you want to earn. You can review our printing costs for Australia and calculate your estimated royalties using our calculator.

Learn how to update your book's list price.

Note: In Australia, Amazon will add a Goods and Services Tax (GST) to the list price you provide. Customers will see a price that includes that applicable tax on Amazon’s website.

Can I order copies of my book from Amazon.com.au and ship locally?

Yes, you can order proof and author copies from Amazon.com.au. If you order from that website, we can only ship the book copies to an Australian address. If you have rights in other territories, you can order from those marketplaces to ship to addresses outside Australia.

For instructions on how to order proof and author copies, visit these Help articles:

How can I calculate my Australia royalties with the new printing cost?

You can use our Printing Cost & Royalty Calculator to estimate your royalties for Amazon.com.au.

If you need to adjust your book’s list price, based on the estimated royalties you calculated, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Under Paperback Actions, click the ellipsis button (“…”) next to the book you want to update.
  3. Click Edit Paperback Rights & Pricing.
  4. Update your list price.

How much are printing costs in Australia and how does this affect my minimum list price?

Here are examples of how the print costs vary between marketplaces. The table below also details how the minimum list price is affected.

Amazon.com Amazon.com.au
Book Type US Printing Cost (USD) US Minimum List Price (USD) AU Printing Cost (AUD) AU Minimum List Price (AUD)
100 page black & white book $2.15 $3.58 $4.49 $7.48
200 page black & white book $3.25 $5.42 $6.47 $10.78
300 page black & white book $4.45 $7.42 $8.62 $14.37
50 page color book $4.35 $7.25 $5.77 $9.62
100 page color book $7.85 $13.08 $9.37 $15.62
150 page color book $11.35 $18.92 $12.97 $21.62

For more details on printing costs by marketplace, visit our Help article.

If I don’t update my book’s list price for Australia, what will happen?

We will convert the list price you set for your primary marketplace to Australian dollars (AUD). That price will be used as the list price for your book on Amazon.com.au. If that conversion results in a list price outside the minimum or maximum requirements, we will convert it so it is equal to either the minimum or maximum list price for Australia.

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