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Royalties in Kindle Unlimited

Your Kindle eBook is eligible for royalty payments from Kindle Unlimited (KU, or Abonnement Kindle in France) for pages an individual customer reads in your Kindle eBook for the first time.
A guide to publishing on Amazon

A customer can read your Kindle eBook as many times as they want when they download it using Kindle Unlimited (KU). However, we will only pay you for the number of pages read the first time the customer reads them. This is true even if your KDP Select enrollment period has expired, and you choose not to re-enroll.


Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count (KENPC v3.0)


You'll get one royalty payment for Kindle Unlimited (KU). We’ll pay according to the same payment schedule and payment method you selected for your other KDP sales. We review the size of the KDP Select Global Fund each month to make it compelling for authors to enroll their Kindle eBooks in KDP Select. We announce the fund monthly in our community forum. The share of fund allocated to each country varies based on a number of factors, such as exchange rates, customer reading behavior, and local subscription pricing. Author earnings are then determined by their share of total pages read. They are able to earn a maximum of 3,000 Kindle Edition Normalized Pages(KENPC) read per title per customer.

For example, here's how we'd calculate royalty payouts if $10 million in funds are available in a given month with 100 million total pages read. (Note: Actual payouts may vary. Check your Prior Month's Royalty Report to see your earnings):

  • Author with a 100-page Kindle eBook that was borrowed and read completely 100 times would earn $1,000 ($10 million x 10,000 pages for this author / 100,000,000 total pages).
  • Author of a 200-page Kindle eBook that was borrowed and read completely 100 times would earn $2,000 ($10 million x 20,000 pages for this author / 100,000,000 total pages).
  • Author of a 200-page Kindle eBook that was borrowed 100 times but only read halfway through on average would earn $1,000 ($10 million x 10,000 pages for this author / 100,000,000 total pages).

We support our authors' efforts to promote their Kindle eBooks, but we also work to prevent any manipulation of the Kindle experience.

We do not permit authors to offer, or participate in marketing that incentivizes Kindle Unlimited (KU) customers to read their Kindle eBooks in exchange for compensation of any kind. This includes payment (whether in the form of money or gift certificates), bonus content, entry to a contest or sweepstakes, discounts on future purchases, extra product, or other gifts.

Because we're continuously looking to improve our authors' experience, we have systems in place to monitor for potential manipulation.

Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count (KENPC v3.0)

We developed the Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count (KENPC) to determine a Kindle eBook's page count in a way that works across genres, devices, and display settings. KENPC is calculated using standard formatting settings (for example; font, line height, line spacing). We use KENPC to measure the number of pages customers read in your Kindle eBook. This starts at the Start Reading Location (SRL) and goes to the end of your Kindle eBook. Amazon typically sets the SRL at chapter 1. This is so readers can start reading the core content of your Kindle eBook as soon as they open it. Non-text elements within Kindle eBooks including images, charts and graphs will count toward KENPC.

KENPC v3.0

We released KENPC v3.0 to improve the way we measure how many pages that Kindle Unlimited (KU) customers read. We're constantly working to improve our programs and increase fairness of how we allocate the KDP Select Global Fund. These changes continue to improve the program and reward authors whose Kindle eBooks are being borrowed and read the most by customers.

The KENPC v3.0 update applies uniformly to all versions of KDP Select Kindle eBooks. Regardless of which version a customer may be reading, all future royalties are paid using KENPC v3.0. If a customer previously borrowed your Kindle eBook and is reading it, any new pages read are based on KENPC v3.0.

Authors are able to earn a maximum of 3,000 Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) Read per title per customer. This means that each time your Kindle eBook is borrowed and read, you can receive credit for up to 3,000 pages. We believe this results in an equitable distribution of the KDP Select Global Fund.

Your eBook's KENPC

You can see your Kindle eBook's KENPC v3.0 listed on the Promote and Advertise page in your Bookshelf.You can also see total pages read on the Kindle Edition Normalized Page Read section of your reports. Because it's based on default settings, KENPC v3.0 may vary from page counts listed on your Amazon detail page, which are derived from other sources.

KDP Select Global Fund

Our total payout from the KDP Select Global Fund is unaffected by the transition to KENPC v3.0. The amount you earn from the KDP Select Global Fund will continue to be determined based on your share of total pages read. The new KENPC version is applied uniformly to all KDP Select Kindle eBooks and used to measure all pages read.


You can see your Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) Read in your Reports by marketplace and title. To see historical pages read, click Download report. If you're enrolled in KDP Select, you will also see the following data on your reports:

Month-To-Date Unit Sales Report: The number of pages Kindle Unlimited (KU) customers read of your Kindle eBooks, under the "Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) Read" column.
Prior Months' Royalties Report: For every title, there are five possible transaction types:
  • Standard: Amount a title earned under the 35% or 70% royalty option.
  • Kindle Edition Normalized Page (KENP) Read: Amount every KDP Select-enrolled title earned monthly through Kindle Unlimited (KU). If a customer reads pages in your Kindle eBook for the first time, you will see a separate line item indicating the accumulated number of pages read under the column "Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) Read.” The royalty earned through Kindle Unlimited (KU) is under the "Royalty" column. Please note monthly KENP numbers may change and will be finalized near the 15th of the following month.
  • Free Promotion: Free downloads due to Free Book Promotion campaign(s) through KDP Select.
  • Free Price Match: Free downloads due to competitor free price match.
  • Pre Order: Units ordered for Kindle eBooks you have made available for pre-order.
You can also view your orders, royalty, and payment information in KDP Report.

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