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Pre-Order Report

The Pre-Orders Report shows the units ordered for books you have made available for pre-order. The drop-down menu at the top of the page allows you to view and download data for each of your titles.

Here's a summary of some of the columns you'll see in the report:
ColumnWhat it means
Order dateWhen your book was ordered
MarketplaceAmazon marketplace where the order was placed
Pre-order UnitsUnits of title sold in the current month
Pre-order CancellationsUnits of title refunded in the current month
Pre-order Units Net of CancellationsPages of your book read for the first time by customers through Kindle Unlimited (Abonnement Kindle in France) or the Kindle Owners' Lending Library
Note: To help yourself keep track of deadlines, look for the timer at the top of the book's setup pages (details, content and pricing). The timer counts down the days, hours, and minutes remaining before your eBook is due. You may notice sales activity from the day before your selected release date. This is the expected behavior for pre-order sales.

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