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Creating Reflowable Books

Amazon refers to text-heavy fiction and nonfiction eBooks as "reflowable" because this type of content reflows when an eBook's text settings are changed. In general, a book can be converted as a reflowable eBook when the body text can be easily separated from the images without losing any context or important layout design. For this reason, comic eBooks should be created and uploaded using a fixed-layout format.

The reflowable format supports Enhanced Typesetting, as well as a number of features that allow readers to interact with and customize the way the text appears on their devices. These features include dictionary, X-Ray (when available), text-to-speech (when available), Word Wise (when available), Kindle Real Page Numbers (when available), and the ability to change text and formatting settings.

Metadata Guidelines

eBooks are reflowable by default. Reflowable eBooks do not need to specify meta name="book-type" in the OPF file, but <dc:language> and <dc:title> are required. If the page propagation direction is not left-to-right, page propagation direction should be provided either in the metadata or the spine. (Example: <meta name="primary-writing-mode" content="horizontal-rl"/>)

Layout Guidelines

Create the content using single column layout. Do not use the CSS position: property for alignments.

Text Guidelines

Image Guidelines

Table Guidelines

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