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How do I change my payment method?

We offer three payment methods for publishers depending on where their bank account is located and in which marketplace the sale is made: Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), check, and wire transfer.

To determine the payments you can receive, visit the Payment Information section of the Create an Account page and select the link that corresponds to where your bank is located.

Please follow the steps below to update your bank account information:
  1. Log in to your KDP account at http://kdp.amazon.com
  2. Click on the "Your Account" link at the top right hand corner of the page
  3. Scroll down to "Your Royalty Payments" and click "Add or edit account"
  4. Enter your Account Number, Routing Number, and the Name of your bank in the "Add bank account information" account page, and click "Done"
  5. Ensure all other required fields are complete and click "Save"

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