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Hardcover (Beta) - Pricing & Royalties

When someone buys your hardcover through Amazon and a new copy is manufactured to fulfill that order, you receive a royalty.


How we calculate hardcover royalties

KDP offers a fixed 60% royalty rate on hardcovers sold on Amazon marketplaces where we support hardcover distribution. Your royalty is 60% of your list price. We then subtract printing costs, which depend on page count, ink type, and the Amazon marketplace your book was ordered from.

(Royalty rate x list price) – printing costs = royalty

How we calculate printing cost

Printing costs vary depending on page count and ink type (black ink or color ink). Printing cost also depends on which Amazon marketplace a reader ordered your book from. Based on the print options you choose, we automatically calculate and display your printing cost in the Rights & Pricing section of title setup. To calculate your hardcover book's printing cost, we add the applicable fixed cost to the page count multiplied by the applicable per page cost. Here's the formula:

  • Fixed cost + (page count * per page cost) = printing cost

For example, here's how we calculate the printing cost of a 300-page black ink hardcover book sold on the US marketplace:

  • $5.50 (fixed cost) + (300 [page count] * $0.012 [per page cost]) = $9.10 (printing cost)
This table summarizes printing cost calculations by marketplace:

Amazon.es, Amazon.de, Amazon.fr, Amazon.it

Printing cost and royalty calculator

To estimate your printing cost and hardcover royalty, use our calculator:

Figures generated by this tool are for estimation purposes only. Your actual royalty will be calculated when you set up your hardcover book on KDP.

Note: If you're using a Mac, make sure your Mac OS and Microsoft Office are updated before downloading this calculator.

Sales Reporting

Royalties show in your reports as your books are shipped to customers. You can see your hardcover sales from the Reports tab in your KDP account and from the KDP Reports Beta.

To see your hardcover sales using the Reports tab:
  1. Sign in to your KDP Account.
  2. Click Reports.
  3. From your Sales Dashboard, go to All Formats.
  4. Filter by Hardcover.
To see your hardcover sales using the KDP Reports Beta:
  1. Go to the KDP Reports Beta.
  2. Go to Filters drop-down menu at the top of the page.
  3. Click Search for formats.
  4. Choose Yarlophone* to see your hardcover sales.
* Yarlophone is the code name for hardcover during the beta.

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