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How do I order a proof or author copy?


Note: Proof and author copies have different quantity limits per order. For proof copies, the maximum is 5, and for author copies the maximum is 999. These quantity limits are different from the quantity limit applied to any orders placed directly from the Amazon website. Any quantity limits for orders that aren’t proof or author copy orders can’t be adjusted.

Note: Proof and author copy orders don't qualify for free or Prime shipping, you will see the available shipping options based on your destination during checkout.

Order proof copies

You can order proof copies for books in Draft status, but you need to approve the book in Print Previewer first.

  1. Go to your KDP Bookshelf.
  2. Find the paperback or hardcover book you want to order.
  3. In the ellipsis ("...") menu, click Request Printed Proofs.
  4. Choose the order quantity. You can order up to 5 proof copies at a time.
  5. Choose the Amazon marketplace based on your shipping destination.
    • Note: There are some regions where you may need to order your proof or author copy from a different marketplace. You'll be notified at checkout if we can't ship proof or author copies to the address you entered. To check which marketplace to select, review Which country should I order from?
  6. Click Submit Proof Request.
Within 4 hours of submitting your proof request, you’ll receive an email with a link to complete your order.

Important: If you don’t see your email after four hours, make sure you’re checking the email address associated with your KDP account. If you can’t find the email, or it was deleted, check your Cart for your proof copy order.

Once you receive this email, click the Proceed to Shopping Cart button in the email to complete your purchase. If you don’t complete your purchase within 24 hours of receiving the email, the proof copies will be removed from your Cart.

You can use your existing payment information and delivery addresses, or add new addresses, to send proof copies to reviewers.

If you're having trouble, try these troubleshooting steps.

Order author copies

You can only place orders for author copies in the Live or Live with unpublished changes status. The option to order copies won’t appear if your book is in any other status. For more on our publishing timelines, visit Book Status.

Note: If you recently updated your book and want to order the most recent version of it, make sure you have clicked the Publish button after submitting your manuscript, and that the status of your book is Live.

If your book is in Live status:

  1. Go to your KDP Bookshelf.
  2. Find the paperback or hardcover book you want to order.
  3. Click the Order Author Copies button.
    • Note: The option to order author copies may take an additional 24 hours to appear after your title goes Live, and the Offer display is available on the detail page. If you don’t see the option, please check back again in 24 hours.
    • For orders in kdp.amazon.co.jp, you need to click the ellipsis (“…”) menu to see the Order Author Copies button.
  4. Enter the order quantity.
  5. Choose the Amazon marketplace based on your shipping destination.
    • Note: There are some regions where you may need to order your proof or author copy from a different marketplace. You'll be notified at checkout if we can't ship proof or author copies to the address you entered. To check which marketplace to select, review Which country should I order from?
  6. Click Proceed to checkout. You'll be sent to the Amazon Cart or basket of your chosen marketplace to complete your order.

If your book is in Live with unpublished changes status:

  1. Go to your KDP Bookshelf.
  2. Find the paperback or hardcover book you want to order.
  3. Click the ellipsis (“…”) menu, and select Order Author Copies.
    • Note: The option to order author copies may take an additional 24 hours to appear after your title goes Live, and the Offer display is available on the detail page. If you don’t see the option, please check back again in 24 hours.
  4. Enter the order quantity.
  5. Choose the Amazon marketplace based on your shipping destination.
    • Note: There are some regions where you may need to order your proof or author copy from a different marketplace. You'll be notified at checkout if we can't ship proof or author copies to the address you entered. To check which marketplace to select, review Which country should I order from?
  6. Click Proceed to checkout. You’ll be sent to the Amazon Cart or basket of your chosen marketplace to complete your order.
If you already clicked the Publish button but your book status remains “Live with unpublished changes,” you will receive the previous version of your book when placing an order. Learn more about our timelines for updates to published books.

Note: If you recently updated your book, and ordered a new copy, you may receive a copy from inventory that was printed prior to the changes. While KDP is a print-on-demand model, when a copy is printed on demand and later canceled, that copy remains in inventory until sold. To confirm whether your book was printed from an previous file, you can check the printing date in the copy to confirm whether the copy was printed prior to the changes you submitted. Books printed from a previous file are not eligible for replacement or refund.

The printing date is not available for copies printed through kdp.amazon.co.jp.

If you're having trouble, try these troubleshooting steps.

Which country should I order from?

There are some regions where you may need to order your proof or author copy from a different marketplace. You'll be notified at checkout if we can't ship copies to the address you entered.

Below, you’ll find guidance on selecting the Amazon marketplace for placing your order, based on the shipping destination.

Note: Shipping may not be available to all destinations.

Shipping to... Order from...

United States

Canada Amazon.ca for paperback proof and author copies.

Hardcover proof and author copies are not currently available for Amazon.ca. To have hardcover proof and author copies delivered to Canada, select Amazon.com.
United Kingdom Amazon.co.uk
France Amazon.fr
Italy* Amazon.it
Spain Amazon.es
Portugal Amazon.es, Amazon.fr, Amazon.it
Germany* Amazon.de


Amazon.de, Amazon.es, Amazon.fr, Amazon.it

New Zealand


*Swiss Customs Union

  • Switzerland - All postal codes excluding 7563 and 7559
  • Lichtenstein – All postal codes
  • Germany – Postal code 78266
  • Italy – Postal code 22060


Author copies cannot be shipped to Swiss Customs Union locations, however, you can purchase retail copies from EU marketplaces such as Amazon.de, Amazon.co.uk, and Amazon.fr





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