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I’m getting an error ordering my author copy

For errors related to your shipping destination, check How do I order a proof or author copy? to ensure you’re ordering from the correct marketplace for your destination.

Troubleshoot common problems with ordering author copies:

Wrong quantity. If you submit your order and the quantity displayed in the Amazon Cart or basket is wrong, go to your Cart or basket and change the quantity to the number of author copies you want. There is a maximum of 999 units per order. The quantity can't be updated from your KDP Bookshelf.

Option to order doesn't appear in Bookshelf. If your paperback or hardcover isn't available for sale on Amazon, the option to order won't appear. When the book status changes to Live, you'll be able to order author copies within 24 hours.

Empty Cart or basket. If your Cart or basket is empty or items are missing from it, it's likely you aren't signed in to your KDP account. If you add items to your Cart or basket while signed in to your account and then sign out, your items will seem to disappear. If this is the case, you should be able to retrieve your Cart or basket by signing back in to your KDP account. If your Cart or basket is empty, it might also be because of the marketplace you chose for your request. To complete your order, you need to go to the corresponding Amazon site. For example, if you chose Amazon.co.uk when ordering author copies, you need to go to your Amazon.co.uk basket to complete the order. For more information, visit How do I order a proof or author copy?

Browser issues. Sometimes you can have issues ordering author copies because of your browser. Try clearing your cache and deleting cookies. Check your browser's help files for instructions on clearing cache and deleting cookies.

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