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Unpublishing and Deleting Books

You can delete books from your Bookshelf if they haven’t been previously published or don't have an ISBN assigned to them. If you’ve already published your book, unpublish it to make it unavailable for purchase. The book will remain on your bookshelf in Unpublish status. Learn how to make your books unavailable for purchase or reinstate a book that has been unpublished.

Deleting books

You can delete books from your bookshelf that meet all of the following criteria:

  • Status is "Draft"
  • Book has not previously been published
  • Has never had an ISBN assigned

Note: If you delete a book from your Bookshelf, you won't be able to recover it.

To delete your book (without an ISBN assigned):
  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Click the ellipsis button ("…")next to the book you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete Book.
  • If your book is published, you can unpublish it to make it unavailable for purchase, see the section unpublishing books to learn more.
  • If your book is in Draft status and it has an ISBN assigned, you won’t be able to remove it from your bookshelf, however it won’t be available for purchase.
  • Books will remain in the Bookshelf as part of your publishing history. You can use the Archive feature to hide the book from your default Bookshelf. Learn more about archiving your book.

Unpublishing books

When you unpublish a book, it won't be available for purchase until you publish it again.

To unpublish your book:
  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Click the ellipsis button ("...") next to the book you want to unpublish.
  3. Click Unpublish.

When you unpublish your book, customers won't be able to buy new copies through KDP. Third parties may still sell used copies of print books on Amazon. That means your book's detail page will stay live on the website. However, customers won't be able to buy new copies through KDP unless you publish it again.

Updating books

If you update your book details (for example, contributors, description, or categories), manuscript, cover, or publishing and territory rights, we'll review your book again to ensure it meets our guidelines for book details, content, and quality. Certain changes require you to publish a new edition. Learn more about updating your book.

To publish your updated book
  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Click the ellipsis button ("...") next to the book you want to update.
  3. Choose Edit Book details.
  4. Make any changes.Click Save and Continue
  5. At the bottom of the Pricing page, click Publish.
See timelines for updates to published books.

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