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eBook Distribution Rights

During title setup, you'll be asked to enter the territories you hold electronic publishing rights to for your eBook.

What are worldwide rights?

If you're certain you have all rights necessary to make this title available worldwide, choose All territories (worldwide rights). This will allow customers from around the world to purchase your title on Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.de, Amazon.fr, Amazon.es, Amazon.it, Amazon.co.jp, Amazon.com.br, Amazon.com.mx, Amazon.com.au, Amazon.ca, Amazon.nl, and Amazon.in. If your book is your original content and you've never published it before, you most likely have worldwide rights.

What are individual territory rights?

If you don't hold worldwide rights to sell and distribute your title, choose Individual territories. Then, indicate the territories in which you hold rights. This will limit sales of your publication to the selected territories only. Below is a list of territories included in each Kindle Store:

  • US Kindle Store: United States
  • UK Kindle Store: United Kingdom (including Guernsey, Isle of Man, Ireland, Gibraltar, and Jersey)
  • DE Kindle Store: Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, and Switzerland
  • FR Kindle Store: France, Monaco, Belgium, Switzerland, and Luxembourg
  • ES Kindle Store: Andorra, Spain
  • IT Kindle Store: Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, and Switzerland
  • JP Kindle Store: Japan
  • NL Kindle Store: Netherlands
  • BR Kindle Store: Brazil
  • MX Kindle Store: Mexico
  • CA Kindle Store: Canada
  • IN Kindle Store: India
  • AU Kindle Store: Australia, New Zealand

Customers located in the available territories not listed here can purchase your book from the US Kindle Store, or Amazon.com. The period of copyright protection varies among countries and regions, so ensure that you indicate your territory rights accurately for public domain works. If you are updating an existing title's territory rights, remember to publish your changes by clicking the Publish Your Kindle eBook button at the bottom of the page.

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