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Payment Report

The Payment Report includes information about your payments. To customize the report, click on the drop-down menus at the top of the page. This allows you to filter your book payments by:

  • Marketplace
  • Sales Period
  • Status
You can run the data any time once a payment has been processed even if you've selected to be paid by check.

Note: The payment report only includes KDP payments made after November 2013.

Colunms you'll see in the report

ColumnWhat it means
Payment NumberThe unique number that identifies this payment transaction. If you have questions about a payment, make a note of this number.
MarketplaceThe Amazon Kindle marketplace where the sales occurred.
Payment statusThis will show "Paid" or "Failed" depending on the status of your payment*.
Payment DateThe date when Amazon transferred funds to your bank account.
Payment MethodYour preferred payment method (EFT, Wire, or Check).
Net EarningsThis column shows your net earnings after tax deductions and any adjustments in the marketplace currency where the sale was recorded.
FX RateThis column provides the conversion rate applied to your net earnings to arrive at your final payment amount if it is different from the marketplace currency in which the sale was recorded. The column will automatically update once we receive exchange rates from the bank. For local currency transactions, the column will display "N/A."
Payment AmountThis column provides the final amount that you will be paid. The column will display "Pending" while your transactions are being processed and will automatically update once your bank confirms receipt of your payment.
Additional fields in downloadable report:
Sales PeriodThe sales included in this payment happened in this sales period.
Accrued RoyaltyRoyalty amount for your sales in each marketplace, shown in that marketplace's local currency. This will match the royalty column in your Prior Month's Royalties report.
Tax WithholdingTax withheld from the applicable royalty amount. This is shown in the marketplace's local currency.
SourceThis is the source of the sales, for example, eBook sales or KENP royalties.

Note: If a payment shows "Failed," check your Payment Settings what you entered matches what you have on file with your bank. Check for an exact match for the account holder name, routing, and account numbers. You can publish using a pen name, but you must be paid under the same name your bank has on file. If you are waiting for a payment and have updated your account, contact us to let us know you've made a change.

Visit KDP Payments for details about payment methods and royalty timelines.

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