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Enhanced Typesetting

Kindle eBooks with Enhanced Typesetting include exclusive new features that give customers an easier reading experience, more control, and better quality. Enhanced Typesetting is applied only to reflowable format Kindle books (uploaded in EPUB, MOBI, DOC, DOCX, or HTML).

Kindle eBooks with Enhanced Typesetting include:

  • Page Flip: Page Flip is a reimagined Kindle navigation experience that makes it easy for customers to get bird’s eye view of your book while always saving their place. Read more about Page Flip here.

  • Progressive download: Progressive download allows a customer to start reading their book while it is still downloading. Once the customer starts reading the book, they can navigate anywhere in the book and the download continues at their current location.

  • High definition visuals (HDV) support: Images are an important part of the reading experience and help authors tell their stories and engage with readers. With high definition visual support, Amazon improves on unique eBook experiences such as image zooming, pinching, and panning, and takes advantage of newer display technologies and device capabilities.

  • Font size layout improvement: Kindle with Enhanced Typesetting automatically adjusts when the font size is large or the line length is short, to improve readability by preventing large gaps between words or squished text. For example, at larger text sizes, Kindle will fall back to left-aligned text or reduce landscape two-column text to one column.

  • Drop caps: Drop caps automatically adapt their line height to the customer's screen size and font settings.

  • Ragged right justification: Text with a ragged right margin is more natural to read and requires less adjustment to finesse. This enables customers to change the current default setting (full justified) to left aligned (ragged right) instead.

  • Hyphenation and smoother word spacing: Advanced hyphenation and justification provide more consistent word spacing and reduce distracting gaps of white space in the text.

  • Kerning and ligatures: Kerning eases word shape recognition by removing subconsciously distracting spaces between specific letter pairs

  • Dynamic color contrast: With Enhanced Typesetting, text of any color will be legible above any background color. Font colors will adapt automatically to provide sufficient contrast with either the device color theme chosen by the reader or to the background color of any page-level element.

  • Enhanced table formatting: With Enhanced Typesetting, readers can see the full text of tables adjusted for smart layout on different device sizes. Larger tables open with full size text in an upgraded table viewer with pan and zoom. Text in tables is selectable for highlights or notes.

  • MathML: Enhanced Typesetting supports MathML, which can be used for mathematical notation and mathematical content.
For more information on Enhanced Typesetting, please see Enhanced Typesetting for Better Reading and Appendix A of the Kindle Publishing Guidelines.

Does my eBook support Enhanced Typesetting?

We're continuously working to make Enhanced Typesetting compatible with more titles and will automatically enable enhancements for your book when possible.

You can use Kindle Previewer 3 to determine if your eBook already supports Enhanced Typesetting. First, import your eBook into Kindle Previewer. If your eBook supports Enhanced Typesetting, the Enhanced Typesetting label is displayed in the Preview and Navigation Options pane.

If your eBook is currently available for sale and Enhanced Typesetting is enabled, the book's detail page will include "Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled" and "Page Flip: Enabled" so that you and your customers will know that those features are available.

Supported languages

Enhanced Typesetting on Kindle Enterprise Publishing currently supports the following languages: Afrikaans, Alsatian, Arabic, Basque, Bokmal Norwegian, Breton, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Cornish, Corsican, Danish, Dutch, Eastern Frisian, English, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galician, German, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Luxembourgish, Manx, Northern Frisian, Norwegian, Nynorsk Norwegian, Portuguese, Provencal, Romansh, Scots, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish, Swedish, Welsh, and the Indic languages Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, Gujarati, and Marathi.

Supported devices and applications

Enhanced Typesetting is supported on the following devices and applications:

  • Kindle E-readers 6th generation and newer
  • Fire tablets 3rd generation and newer
  • Kindle for iOS v4.9 or newer (iOS Versions: iOS 7, iOS 8 and iOS 9)
  • Kindle for Android v4.18.0 or newer (Android Versions: Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop, and Marshmallow)
Most of our customers read on devices that support Enhanced Typesetting. Customers who use older devices receive a KF8 version of the title.

To find out the generation of your Kindle E-reader or Fire tablet:

If your device doesn't support Enhanced Typesetting features and your book's source content was uploaded in EPUB, MOBI, or HTML formats, you can use Kindle Previewer 3 to preview how your book will look before you publish.

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