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Update Your Manuscript

You can make updates to your manuscript, also known as the interior file, if your book is in Draft or Live status. Make changes in your manuscript file first and then follow the steps on this page to re-upload it. If you are making changes that will change the page count of your book by more than 10%, you’ll need to create a new edition.

How to update your manuscript

You can update your manuscript to fix typos or make changes to your book’s content.

To update your manuscript:

  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Next to the book you want to update, click the ellipsis button ("…").
  3. Choose Edit content
  4. Scroll down to the "Manuscript" section
  5. Click Upload Manuscript
  6. Find and open the file on your computer. Once the content completes the upload process, the message "Manuscript uploaded successfully" will appear and the conversion process will start. (This can take several minutes depending on the file).
  7. Click Launch Previewer and make sure your updated manuscript looks as expected
  8. Click Save and Continue.
  9. At the bottom of the Pricing page, click Publish.

  • Once your book is updated, we'll review it again to ensure it meets our content guidelines. Learn more about timelines for updating published books
  • We can send customers updated eBook content if your changes correct quality issues that take away from the overall customer experience like misspelled words or chapters out of order.
  • If you significantly change your manuscript, it’s considered a new edition and should be published as a new book. For more information about book editions, visit this help article.

Manuscript resources

Use the links below to help format your manuscript.


Use this decision tree, to decide the best resources for your book. Learn more


Use this resource to make sure your book meets our quality standards Learn more


To help you format your manuscript, we created templates in Microsoft Word into which you can insert your content. Learn more

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