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How to enroll in KDP Select

You can enroll or renew your KDP Select participation. Learn about the requirements and how to enroll your Kindle eBook.


KDP Select is for Kindle eBooks only. You can also enroll pre-order Kindle eBooks. To be eligible for enrollment:

  • You must have exclusive rights for the primary content of the Kindle eBook. Content that is public domain is not eligible.
  • Your Kindle eBook must also be exclusive to the Kindle Store for the KDP Select enrollment period.
During the 90-day enrollment period, the Kindle eBook can only be distributed through KDP. However, you can continue to distribute print, video, audio, or other formats of your title elsewhere. See the KDP Terms and Conditions for more information.

How to enroll in KDP Select

You can enroll your eBook in KDP Select while it’s still in Draft or after it’s Published.

To enroll your eBook draft in KDP Select, follow the steps below:
  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Next to the Kindle eBook you want to enroll, click the ellipsis button (“…”) under Kindle eBook Actions. A drop-down menu will appear.
  3. From the drop-down, click Enroll in KDP Select. A pop-up will appear.
  4. In the pop-up, click Enroll.
To enroll your published eBook in KDP Select, follow the steps below:
  1. Go to the Marketing page.
  2. Under KDP Select, click Enroll an eBook.
  3. Select your eBook and click Continue.
  4. Click Enroll.
You can change your Kindle eBook details (royalty options, and book descriptions) without affecting your enrollment in KDP Select. You can also unpublish KDP Select-enrolled titles at any time during the term and republish them on KDP later. This will pause your KDP Select enrollment period until you republish your Kindle eBook. Once you choose to republish your title, your KDP Select enrollment period will resume. Your Kindle eBook must remain exclusive through the remainder of the title's current 90-day participation period.

How to check my KDP Select enrollment

You can confirm your eBook's enrollment by following these steps:

  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Next to the Kindle eBook you want to enroll, click the ellipsis button (“…”) under the Kindle eBook Actions menu.
  3. Choose KDP Select Info.
You will see the start and end date of your KDP Select enrollment period. You will also see an option to automatically renew the Kindle eBook’s enrollment once the 90-day period ends.

How to renew KDP Select enrollment

For your convenience, every Kindle eBook enrolled in KDP Select is automatically renewed unless you opt out. If you don't want to renew your KDP Select enrollment, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Next to your Kindle eBook, click the ellipsis button (“…”) under the Kindle eBook Actions menu.
  3. Choose KDP Select Info. Under the KDP Select header on the screen that appears, you'll see the start and end dates of your current enrollment period.
  4. Click Manage KDP Select Enrollment.
  5. Uncheck the box next to Automatically renew this book's enrollment. Canceling automatic renewal does not affect the eBook's enrollment in KDP Select for the current term.

If your Kindle eBook is enrolled in KDP Select, we'll pay you a share of the current month's KDP Select Global Fund. This is based on how many pages Kindle Unlimited (KU) subscribers read in your Kindle eBook for the first time.

For each new term, you can choose to run either a Kindle Countdown Deal (KCD) or a Free Book Promotion. You will earn 70% royalty for sales in Brazil, Japan, India, and Mexico as long as the 70% digital list price requirements are met.Only one type of promotion can be used during the KDP Select enrollment period. A promotion (Kindle Countdown Deals (KCD) or Free Book Promotion) can be scheduled on the day enrollment is renewed. Note that any unused Kindle Countdown Deal (KCD) or Free Book Promotion days will not rollover. See our Help article for details on renewal timelines.

You can cancel your KDP Select enrollment within three days of the start of your enrollment period. See our Help page for more information. If more than three days have passed, contact us.

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