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Orders Report

The Orders Report shows processed book orders for all your formats and placed orders for eBooks. eBooks are considered “processed” after the customer’s payment is confirmed, and print books are considered “processed” after the book is shipped. Not all placed orders are processed. Processing can take up to 24 hours for eBooks and up to a few days for print books.

Note: For .JP domains, you will need to download the report to view eBook orders placed. Please check our community page for upcoming announcements about orders placed data.

All dates are based on the time zone of the Amazon marketplace where the order was made. You can filter by:

  • Author
  • Book Title
  • Marketplace
  • Format
  • Pricing (Paid vs. Free)
  • Distribution
Columns you’ll see in the table:

ColumnWhat it means
DateWhen was the unit ordered
TitleYour book’s title
AuthorName of author who wrote the book
ASINAmazon Standard Identification Number
MarketplaceThe Amazon marketplace where your book was sold
Paid UnitsNumber of paid units ordered
Free UnitsNumber of free units ordered

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