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The Dashboard report shows your top-earning books, estimated royalties, orders, and KENP reads. Print book orders fulfilled by Amazon will display within 24 hours after the order is shipped. Keep in mind, shipping time varies depending on the time it takes to manufacture your book and the shipping option selected by the customer during checkout.

eBook orders will display after the order is processed, which can take up to 24 hours. The time it takes for eBook and print orders to appear in the Dashboard is based on the time zone of the marketplace, while Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) reads are based on Coordinated Universal time zone (UTC). Please note monthly KENP numbers may change and will be finalized near the 15th of the following month.

The today’s data in the Dashboard may not match with the Orders, Royalties Estimator, KENP Reads, old and downloadable reports. This is because there is a delay between the Dashboard and these other reports. To see the most up to date information, refer to the today’s data in the Dashboard report.

For report details, select a report type from the menu on the left-hand side of the page. You can filter this information by day and month:

  • Top-earning books
  • Estimated royalties
  • Orders
  • KENP Reads
You can see your top formats and marketplaces for the month. You can also monitor trends over time with a 30-day trendline of orders and KENP reads, and download your report by clicking Download at the top right-hand side of the page.

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