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Old Sales Dashboard

On your Sales Dashboard you can see units ordered, Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) read, and royalties earned for the past 90 days. The Dashboard shows this information in two graphs and one table. To customize the data, click the drop-down menus at the top of the page. This allows you to filter by marketplace, author, format (eBook or paperback), title, and time period. For the most up-to-date sales information, click the Update button next to the filters.

Units Ordered graph

This graph shows you:

  • Paid Units Ordered (eBook)
  • Free Units Ordered (eBook)
  • Paid Units Shipped (paperback)

Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) Read graph

This graph shows you the Kindle Edition Normalized Pages (KENP) Read for KDP Select-enrolled titles. Please note monthly KENP numbers may change and will be finalized near the 15th of the following month.

Royalties Earned table

The Royalties Earned table shows your royalties for all marketplaces in the time period you choose.

  • eBooks. Royalties update after payment for the sale is processed.
  • Paperback and hardcover. Royalties update after your book is printed and shipped, which will happen a few days after the order is placed. Royalties for Expanded Distribution units update approximately 30 days after the end of the month in which the sales occurred. Because KDP only reports a royalty when a copy of your book is shipped to fulfill a customer order, you won't receive a new royalty for books returned in new condition that are re-sold by Amazon.

How dates on the dashboard are calculated

Dates on the dashboard are calculated in the local time zone of the selected marketplace. For example, if you choose "Amazon.co.uk," the units ordered are recorded in the local time zone (GMT). If you choose "All Marketplaces," the total displayed is the sum of units ordered on each date in the corresponding local time zone of the Amazon marketplace.

How to generate a detailed sales and royalties report

To see a detailed report, click Generate Report at the bottom of the Sales Dashboard page. The generated report contains orders, sales, and royalties earned for the selected time period. To learn more about the information provided in this report, see Sales and Royalties Report help. This report does not include royalties earned from the KDP Select Global Fund. For KENP royalties, which are processed on a monthly basis, please refer to your Prior Months' Royalties report.

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