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Publishing Service Providers & Resources

The following companies specialize in professional publishing services. This list is for informational purposes only; Amazon does not endorse or sponsor any service provider, nor recommend one over another.

Editorial Services

Book cover creation

eBook and paperback formatting

eBook conversion

*Offers services for Indian-language (e.g., Hindi, Tamil) eBooks
**Offers services only for Japanese books

Translation resources

One way to promote your book is to have it translated into other languages and offered in other marketplaces. However, there are several things to keep in mind as you consider translation:
  1. Your translated book needs to be of high linguistic quality, must be adapted to the new language, and must read as it were written in that language originally. A poor translation, such as a machine translation, will damage both your reputation as an author and the reputation of your book.
  2. Technical content is much easier to translate than literary content, such as a novel. Besides being translated, a novel must be adapted to have the correct tone, voice, and style prevalent in that language, depending on the characters in the novel and their circumstances.
  3. A quality translation can be expensive, currently ranging anywhere from $0.10 per word to over $0.25 per word, depending on the language. That means that a 150-page book with 250 words per page (37,500 words) would cost anywhere from $3,750 to over $9,000 to translate. You can use the sales of your book in its original language as a rough gauge of what sales of your translated book may be.
  4. Make sure that your book will find an audience in a different language and marketplace. For example, a book that focuses very heavily on baseball or American football may not find a very large audience outside of North America.
  5. You may want to market your translated book in order to increase sales. Refer to our Advertising Help page for more information on how to advertise your book.
  6. You can find a list of supported languages on our Supported Languages Help page, including specific guidelines for books in Arabic, Chinese (Traditional), Hebrew, Yiddish, Gujarati, Hindi, Malayalam, Marathi and Tamil.
Note: All translated books must be published as new ASINs.

There are a number of ways to get your book translated. To determine what is available, you can search online for “Book Translation Services.” Some companies offer to cover the cost of translation through an exchange of royalties between the translation service, the author, and the translator. Other translation services will help you find a freelance translator.

Here are some questions you may want to ask when working with a translation service:
  • How long will the translation take?
  • How much will the translation cost?
  • Is the translator a native speaker of the desired language? (Keep in mind, translators generally translate into their native languages.)
  • Will the translator need specialized knowledge to translate my book, e.g., computer skills?
  • What other books has the translator translated? Can the translator provide a resume or curriculum vitae?
  • Does the translator work with an editor as part of the translation?
  • What are the payment terms?
  • Who will hold copyright of the translated work?
If your book has generated a large number of sales in its original language, you may be able to sell the book rights to a publisher who will cover the cost of translation and marketing.

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