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Previewing and Publishing Your Kindle Create Book

Previewing your eBook

After you've finished preparing your book and are ready to publish it, use the Previewer tool in Kindle Create to check the layout and formatting of your Kindle eBook. The Previewer shows you how your eBook will look on tablets, Kindle E-readers, and phones. To use Previewer, click the Preview button in Kindle Create.

In Previewer, you can change device type, text size, and font face. You can move through your eBook page-by-page, chapter-by-chapter, image-by-image. You can type a book location or drag the scroll bar to change the position dynamically. There is also a Table of Contents view that shows the Kindle Interactive TOC.

While previewing your eBook, use this checklist:

  • Go to the table of contents (TOC) (where applicable).
    • On the TOC page, confirm that each item is clickable and links to the correct location in the book. There should be no page numbers.
    • In the Kindle Interactive TOC, confirm that each part, chapter, or section is clickable and links to the correct location in the book. There should be no page numbers.
  • Go to any location in the book (reflowable eBooks only).
    • Font size. Change the font size in the Kindle menu. The book font should change accordingly. All body text should not be bold or italicized.
    • Typeface. Change the typeface in the Kindle menu. The book font should change accordingly.
  • Go back to the first page and flip through every page of the book.
    • Front matter. Make sure that the page breaks and formatting are correct.
    • Chapter title pages. Make sure that chapter title pages are formatted consistently throughout the book.
    • Images. Images should not be too small. Make sure that all text in images is legible. Large pictures should be scaled to fit the page and display in their entirety on one screen.
    • Tables. Tables should appear correctly. Make sure that all text in tables is legible.
    • Material only included with physical book. There should not be any references to material (such as a CD or DVD) that is only included with the physical book.
    • Background settings (reflowable eBooks only). Confirm that your text is legible in all background color modes (white, black, mint, and sepia).
    • Audio and video files (Print Replica only). Click each audio and video file and confirm that they work properly. Review the title and description in each pop-up for accuracy and usefulness.
    • Magnification (comics only). Activate Guided View and confirm that all panels have corresponding magnification, no content is overflowing the edge of the screen, and magnified reading order is correct.

Previewing your print book

To see how your print book looks, export it from Kindle Create and upload it to KDP. After selecting your trim size, you can view it in KDP Print previewer.

Uploading your book on KDP

Video: Saving and exporting with Kindle Create

When you're done previewing and updating your book, create a publishable file by clicking the Export button in Kindle Create. This creates two files: a work file (.kcb) that allows you to update your book later and a publishable file (.kpf) you can upload on KDP.

  1. Save your work file (.kcb) by selecting File > Save Project.
  2. Click the Export button. The Save File for Publication dialog box is displayed.
  3. Accept or change the file location and name and click Save.
  4. When packaging is complete, the confirmation box is displayed. Upload the .kpf file on KDP to publish it.

Adding your textbook to the Kindle store

If your eBook is a textbook, you need to add this search keyword when you enter your book details in KDP during title setup so that your textbook will appear in the Textbook category:


You have to add the keyword exactly as it appears above, complete with underscores. If you don't, your book won't appear in the Textbook category in the Kindle Store.

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