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How to cancel KDP Select

Once your Kindle eBook is enrolled in KDP Select, you have three days from the start of your enrollment period to cancel enrollment. If more than three days have passed, contact us. You can check your Kindle eBook’s KDP Select enrollment period start and end date.

If you enroll a pre-order Kindle eBook in KDP Select, your enrollment can't be cancelled until the pre-order Kindle eBook is released.

You can cancel your enrollment by following these steps:
  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Next to the Kindle eBook you want to remove, click the ellipsis button ("...") under the Kindle eBook Actions menu.
  3. Choose KDP Select Info.
  4. Click Manage KDP Select Enrollment.
  5. On the screen that appears, uncheck the box next to Keep this book enrolled in KDP Select. If this option doesn't show up, contact us.
Within several hours after your KDP Select enrollment is cancelled, your Kindle eBook is removed from Kindle Unlimited (KU). You'll earn a share of the monthly KDP Select Global Fund for pages that Kindle Unlimited (KU) customers read in your Kindle eBook after the enrollment end date. Unused Kindle Countdown Deals or Free Book Promotion days will go away.

For sales in Brazil, Japan, India, and Mexico, your royalties will go back to 35%. You can re-enroll your Kindle eBook in KDP Select after an enrollment term expires.

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